We make you easy to travel with driver insurance passenger, We are arrange transports all kind of Bus/ Minibus/ Taxi/ Van / Ford Transit, Camry, Highlander, Lexus, Van 15seats, Bus 25seats, Bus 35seats, Bus 45seats for rental to all province. what you want, where you go....or call Hotline: 012 517 948 / 096 769 2222 or E-mail: cambodiatraveltour@yahoo.com, Thanks!!!

Paramount Angkor Express   Price $7
Departure:   → 7:45, 10:45, 12:45, 14:45, 15:00
Return:  ← 7:45, 10:45, 12:45, 14:45, 15:00 
Duration: 4 hours
Services:  Air Condition, toilet,  pick up

Giant ibis Tranport           Price: $9  
Departure:   →  8:45, 12:30
Return:  ←  8:45, 12:30                             
Duration: 4 hours
Services:  Air Condition, free snacks, water, Wifi,  pick up

G.S.T Bus                    Price $5
Departure:   → 7:55, 8:45, 12:30
Return:  ← 7:55, 8:45, 12:30                          
Duration: 4 hours
Services:  Air Condition,  pick up

Phnom Penh Sorya           Price$6
Departure: →7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:30, 17:45
Return: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:30, 17:45 
Duration: 4 hours
Service: Norma Local Bus, Air Condition, pick up

Virak Buntham (Night Bus)       Price: $8

Return: 20:00          
Duration: 4 hours
Services: Air Conditon, easy to sleep,water, pillow, blanket,water, toilet, pick up

Mey Hong (Mini Ford)             Price: $9
Departure: →  7:30, 9:00,13:00, 15:00
Return: 7:30, 9:30, 13:00, 15:00
Duration: 3.5 hours
Sevices: Air Condition,Wifi, water, pick up

Golden Bayon (Mini Ford)      Price: $9
Departure: →  8:00, 8:30,13:30, 14:15
Return: 8:00, 8:30,13:30, 14:15
Duration: 3.5 hours
Sevices: Air Condition, water, Wifi, pick up

Mekong Express (VIP van)         Price: $12

Departure: →  6:00, 8:00,14:30, 18:30
Return: 6:00, 8:00,14:30, 18:30
Duration: 3.5 hours
Sevices: Air Condition, Wifi, water, pick up